Pravila privatnosti

Web usluge

Pravila privatnosti

Uzimamo pravila privatnosti i upotrebe za "ozbiljno". Nemamo drugačije mogućnosti. Pročitajte kako to radimo.

Web stranica je u vlasništu:
Adresa: Marinci 52
OIB: 34521604025
Kontakt telefon: +385 95 847 35 49

Trudimo se zaštiti vašu privatnost na sve moguće dostupne načine i osiguranjem svim sigurnosnih standarda.

Vaša posjeta je u potpunosti anonimna. Ne koristimo "third-party" kolačiće.

Koristimo isključivo funkcionale kolačiće.

Prvim klikom ili upotrebom web stranice učitavaju se kolačići u Vaš preglednik.

Upotrebom kontakt forme ili slanjem emaila prikupljamo Vaše podatke, koje možemo obrisati na Vaš zahtjev. Ukoliko ne zatražite brisanje, podatke brišemo nakon 3-9 mjeseci od zadnjeg kontakta. Vaše podatke nećemo koristiti u nedozvoljene svrhe, prodavati trećim stranama ili slično. Vaše podatke možemo otkriti trećim stranama u slučaju da zakon tako nalaže.

We are keen to protect your privacy and it is important that you should be able to use our web-site without having your privacy breached in any way. It is necessary for us to collect information about you if you request the use of other services or more information on particular products. It is our policy to only collect such information about you as to facilitate the provision of the required service and we will not collect any unnecessary data. Your information will only be provided to the third party from whom you have requested further information to enable them to provide the information that you have specifically asked for and consented to. Please ensure that you only enter your own details. You may not give details of another individual without first obtaining their consent. This web site has links from other third party sites and you may be referred to us from one such third party site. This may happen where you have clicked on a link to this site from another site. Where this happens we may be under a contractual obligation to the third party site to share data on our referred users with that site. Where this happens we may supply details of our users who have been referred from that site and who have requested further information to the third party site.